A car crash can cause more damage to your body than just a few bumps and scrapes. Internal injuries are serious and cannot be ignored.

One sign of a possible severe condition is a headache, especially if you don’t normally experience one. This can be a light pain that turns into a migraine, causing you to become ill. It could also trigger a series of headaches that become chronic.

No matter what type of headache from an auto accident injury you experience, get it checked out immediately. Dr. Alvin B. Sanders is a chiropractic physician at Injury Chiropractic and understands why this debilitating discomfort occurs and how to treat it. It takes a trained medical professional to determine if it’s related to a life-threatening issue.

There are various symptoms of a headache from auto accident injuries. Some patients are sensitive to light, have an upset stomach, difficulty thinking and can experience growing distress from a targeted area on the head.

Don’t put your life on hold and try to “wait it out”, come visit us today!